Syllabus recap

Today in class, Vlad had many troubles trying to send his blog to Mr. Schick. It is the end of class now and he still hasn't been able to send it. Vlad has been working on it the whole class, while the rest of us were going over the syllabus. While listening to Mr. Schick go over the syllabus I was taking notes on what I learned. First, I found out that this course, Honors Human Geography is only a semester long, and then we transfer to Honors western Civilization. When we have tests, they are going to be 100 points, and quizzes are going to be 50 points, and very rarely we will have pop quizzes. Also once in a while we will have group projects where you get to pick who you want to work with. Mr. Schick does not believe in extra credit because its saying you didn't work the whole year and then at the end all the sudden you want to do work. Also, we are not allowed to have our phones on us in class, we need to put them in the bin at the beginning of class. Going off of the idea of no technology, we are not allowed to play games on our computers or charge them during class. Also, it is very important to check email everyday so we see the important events happening throughout the day and also for Honors Human Geography. The last important thing that I took away from the syllabus is that we need to stay true to our academic integrity. I can't wait to have a fun semester, and learn lots of things.


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