Class 9/7/17

Today in class we continued our discussion about excellence, and went into greater detail with the topic of Socrates. In the beginning of the class, we had a debate about North Korea, and what we should do about them threatening us. We had approximately a fifteen minute discussion about this and Mr. Schick was moderating the conversation. Not until the discussion came to a close that the class and I recognized that he was using the Socratic Method. This method is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions. This, especially for me was a really good example of the use of this method because it showed me how often it is actually used and a situation were it could be used in. After that discussion came to a close, we started to go through the powerpoint again, which had many facts on Socrates and an example of synergy. Democracy and excellence worked perfectly together! Next, we learned about Socrates as a teacher. He was very good with students and worked right outside of the agora. Athens was a great city which attracted brilliant thinkers. Visitors all over the world shared all of their knowledge. Lastly, we discussed Socrates trial. He was charged with two serious crimes. The first crime he was charged with was corruption of Athens youth and the second was impiety(not believing in the gods of the state). He was granted an opportunity to escape, after he was charged with his death trial, but he denied and died from poison hemlock.


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