Class on 9/11

Today's date is September 11, 2017. Sixteen years ago a great tragedy occurred. In class we talked about 911 and the details of what happened. Mr. Schick was talking about how he was in the exact same room sixteen years ago. The whole school was headed to the upper gym for mass, and all the teachers were talking about how a plane had hit the World Trade Center. In his mind, he thought it was a little plane tat lost control and didn't do very much damage. Then, when the whole school got the upper gym the principal went up on the stage and said that two different jets hit both of the the twin towers. As Mr. Schick explained there was dead silence, and you could have heard a pin drop. The principal didn't know what to do. He was clueless. He dismissed everyone from the mass and they could either watch the damage and news on the televisions or they could do their regular studies. It was up to the teachers and the students. Mr. Schick said that one kid asked him if this was the beginning of World War Three and he honestly answered with an "I really don't know." After we finished our discussion about that, we discussed what we need to study for our test tomorrow. I feel confident that I will get a good grade on it too.


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