Sites and Situations

In class today, Mr. Schick was on his TV Production Field Trip, and we were left to take notes on Sites and Situations. Below, is all the information that I gathered that I thought was important. 
  • The second way geographers describe location is Site
  • Site is the physical character of a place 
  • Important site characteristics include: climate, water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude, and elevation 
  • Site factors are essential in choosing locations for settlements
  • We as humans are able to modify the characteristics of a site 
  • People have their own preferences 
  • The location of a place relative to other places is a Situation 
  • Situation is a valuable way to indicate location - finding and unfamiliar place and understand its importance
  • We use this to compare a location to a familiar one 
  • We identify important places or monuments etc. to help us give directions
  • Locations are important because they are accessible to other places
(I got this information from Mr. Schick's Honors Human Geography Blog)

By gathering this information, it shows you how useful these things are in your life. For me, when I give directions to somebody, I use important buildings, shops, and other things to describe how to get there because I do not know street names. There are many unique things that make my home unique, special and differ from others. When I describe my house and the location of it I use site, and the characteristics of it. The climate is a average. A hot and humid summer, while also having a freezing winter. There is a moderate rainfall as well. The vegetation varies on the time of year, with having fresh fruits in the summer, and not as many in the winter. Except, the farms are always producing. Honestly, I do not know the levitation or the latitude of where I live. There is much life, where I live. Including animals and people. We seem to be lively most of the time and always helping each other. And for plants and animals, they do well here. The plants live for a long time, when they are fed properly, and animals make their families here. Everything is very bright in the spring and the summer, and also in early fall. When its winter, everything is dull, and without color.   


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