Fun Facts about Population

Today was Ashley's day to bring in food, and she brought us candy! It was very good! Then Mr. Schick started class right away which was weird and different because we always socialize and talk about our day with him for at least ten minutes. What we did recognize is that we had Mr. Schick's class the first day of the school year and the last day of the quarter. We thought that that was pretty cool! Anyways, today's class was about population. Right now there are about 7.5 billion people in the wold. We looked at a website that showed us the population growing every moment. It was really cool but I thought that it was really stressful because the numbers were rising so fast and it was weird to think about how many people in the word that there really are. Then we wet to a chart on the population and how long it takes for us to reach a billion more people. It went from 10,000+ years to 123, to 33, to 14, to 12. And for the past couple years it has stayed at 12 years to reach another billion which is really good and we are expanding at a steady rate. We discussed how the intervals of how many years it took depended on the time period. Such as when everyone came back from war, each family had many kids, and then when China made their law about how many kids they could have to regulate the population.


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