Cake and Population Pyramids

Today in class Owen brought in cake. Chocolate cake. This was a big deal. Owen forgot to bring in food on his day last week, so he brought extra today. He decided to back us a cake, which was an amazing idea. Except for the fact that we did not think about how we were going to serve the cake, or even eat it. Thanks to Ellie, she ran and got plates from somewhere, and I went to the cafeteria to go and get knives. I completely forgot to get forks, so Ellie went and got them a little later. It was a good thing that Mr. Schick was going over what we learned from the past three classes. This gave us time to cut the cake and eat it. By the time everyone got themselves a piece of cake, Mr. Schick was just moving onto new information. Perfect timing! What we learned today had to do with population, but more specifically population pyramids. We use population pyramids to analyze growth or decay of fertility, mortality, and migration in cities. He showed us a bar graph of population, separated into males and females. I really liked this graph and it really helped me picture and get a better grasp on the population. Below is the link or the population pyramid in the United States.


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