Projects, projects, and more projects

Today Faith brought in Oreo's, and they hit the spot because Kate forgot to bring in her bagels for advisory. Then, Owen Ellie and Ashley got to make up their quiz, the second one. So I went to the bathroom in this time. The bathroom was so warm compared to Mr. Schick's room, I almost thought of staying in there for the rest of the class. However, I got back to class just as Mr. Schick was deciding on the day we were going to have our test. We figured out that our break starts next week I think and this made me really happy. We are planned to have our test on Friday, which I am completely fine with! So then, the class continued and people started to present their projects. Ben and Chase went first, and they had a few flaws in their work. Then we went to a website called Charity Navigator and we saw how trustworthy these charities actually are. Next, Frankie went. His project was good and you could tell that he put a lot of effort into it. Then Owen went, and he had really good questions and a really good project. And that was the only projects that we got to today.


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