quiz and grade boost!

Today in class Mr. Schick gave us a pop quiz. It was ten questions and two points each. However, we only had ten seconds to answer each question. This was definitely one of the most stressful things ever! Then after the class realized that we all failed Mr. Schick gave us an assignment to complete in the rest of class and for homework. He let us chose who we wanted to work with, which was a bonus. Kelsie and I got to work right away. Below, I put Kelsie's and my work.

Honors Human Geography Population Pyramid Project

  1. Why does Egypt have a higher birth rate than Spain?
Egypt has a high birth rate because it is a developing nation and its life expectancy has been slightly increasing. There has not been a substantial increase in female labor participation during this past period in Egypt, so more women are available to have children. Also, Egypt is a developing country so the economy will need more young people to work the labor jobs that older people can’t.
  1. Is Spain a developing nation with a slow growth rate, a developed nation with a slow population growth, or a developed nation with a shrinking population? Well, Spain is a developed population with both a slow population growth and a shrinking population. Also, due to high unemployment problems many economic migrants from South America and Eastern Europe are leaving the country.
  2. Based on the population pyramid above, is Spain’s population more likely to increase or decrease within the next few decades? The population in Spain is going to decrease because the birth rate has significantly become smaller. Also, a large number of Spaniards have emigrated to find better work. Although the total fertility rate is supposed to rise slightly, from 1.33 to 1.38, the number of births will fall because there will be fewer women of childbearing age.
  3. What shape is Egypt’s population pyramid in, and what does it mean? Egypt pyramid is in a christmas tree shape. This means that there is a high birth rate and             that each age group higher in the pyramid decreases in population size. The population decreases the higher up in the pyramid because Egypt has a shorter life expectancy at 73 years old. Their Life expectancy is 142 oldest in the world.

At the top of our list is the Unicef organization because they put a lot of effort into taking care of the children of the world. They know the children are important because they are the future minds of the world. Unicef gives vaccines to children and they save approximately 3 million per year, they provide water to those in need, and they raise money to help starving children get their next meals. Next in our list is The Hunger Project because they make improvements in areas such as health, literacy, education, gender-based violence, food security, income and local democracy. Also, they provide food security to many poor people in the world who are unsure where their next meal will come from, or if they get another meal. Third rank in our list is The Adventure Project because they help communities with the items to make the food. For example, they provide stoves that do not emit harmful smoke. This organization also adds irrigation pumps so that the families can grow more crops in a harvest which will make less children go to bed hungry. And last on our list, but still an amazing program is Bread for Israel. This group collects donations and each dollar gives a loaf of bread to a child in need in Israel.


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