Review for test tomorrow

Today in class Mr. Schick was not in the best of the moods. I say this because Sophia brought in donuts, and we all went to go and get them. Then, Mr. Schick demanded all of us to sit down, and then he threatened to give us detentions. Mr. Schick said that he has given 4 detentions, in the past day. Suddenly, everyone in our class got very quite, and we all starting to pay extra attention and we were all being extra respectful. We certainly did not want to get on his bad side. After Mr. Schick went over what he needed to, we all got our donuts and settled in for our class. Tomorrow is our test. So we had a mini review day. However, it did not consist much of reviewing. It was more going over what types of questions that are going to be on the test and he was explaining it because he won't be in class tomorrow, because he is going to see his daughter in Boston. We learned that there are six different pages to this test. At first I thought that it was six pages of front and back, but it was only one sided, which was great news for me. On the first page there we are going to be allotted fifteen minutes to go on and answer the fifteen questions. These questions have to do with specific information on a place, so it pretty much shows if we know how to navigate the website and where to find the information. Then on the next five pages it covers the following information. The Rate of Natural Increase, and how to find it You find the RNI by subtracting the death-rate from the birth-rate. Next, was finding the Net Migration Rate. You find this by subtracting the number of people leaving the country (emigrants) by from the number of people entering a country (immigration). Sometimes, the number can be negative and when it is it shows that there are more people leaving the country than entering. Then Mr. Schick told us that we have to know two push factors and two pull factors with examples. Lastly, he told us that there was going to be population pyramids on the test. We have to know the shape and what it means and examples of it. Also, he threw in a surprise and told us that there was going to be extra credit, which I'm pumped about. So now I have to start studying for all my tests that I have tomorrow.


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