Test day

Today, when I say that it was test day, I really mean test day. I had five tests today, that were simply mind numbing to studying for last night. However, I think that I did very good on Mr. Schick's test. Mrs. Collins was our sub, and we began with the timed fifteen minutes of research on cia.gov. I finished in a very short amount of time because I was able to quickly navigate around the website. I felt very confident on the first page. Then, I closed my computer, and I began to work on the rest of the test. Good thing I studied! I felt really confident in all my answers except for the population pyramid questions. I say this because the wording on some of them were very confusing, and it was playing games with my mind. However, I still completed the test feeling confident about my answers, and how I did. I finished the test with a plethora of time left, so I went to the bathroom and I am now writing my blog.


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