real exam review day

Today in class we went over the final things that were going to be on the test. As I am here, trying to remember my last bits of information, the stress is really hitting me, and I am starting to get really worried. Trust me, I have been studying for this for a long time, well not too to long, but long enough that I should already remember everything, and I feel like I just forget everything! Like I keep quizzing myself and poof, the information is gone. Ugh. I feel like I will still do well in his class, and on the exam but I hate this feeling, it is definitely the worst. So I am writing all the things down that I can't remember to try to help me...I hope this solution works. I don't like being stressed. Anyways in class we went over what was going to be our exam essays and I really couldn't see in the back and we were moving very fast, and Mr. Schick said that he would post them to his blog...which he didn't. Anyways its all good. I just have to get higher than a 74% and I'll have a 89.5% which is an A. And I certainly think that I am capable of that. Yay. Okay back to studying now...


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