
Today in class Mr. Schick was talking all about exams. He began talking about the schedule for them. The first day is Religion, and Social Studies. Then the second day is Science and English. And the final day is Math and Spanish. Personally, I am not looking forward to the second day at all. After we found out the schedule, he told us how the times worked. Even though most of us already had the Patriot Transition class that gave us information about it. He said that we have a set hour and a half to take the exam. We can not leave before this time is up. Then we can have an extended fifteen minutes to work if we still have the extra time. After this, then Mr. Schick went on and talked about the format of his test. He said that there will be 100 multiple choice questions, and then two essays. He said that he would give us the prompts to the essays so we are prepared for them. I think we all appreciated that. He said that the multiple choice questions are all worth one point and then the essays are worth fifty points each. Then he would divide our grade by 2 to get us our final grade.


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