a new form of government

Today in class we continued to go over a power point and we took notes on it. Below is the information that I gathered during class.

  • A new form of government: 
    • citizens could participate, however only 1/5 of Athenians were citizens
    • citizens had to be male property owners born in Athens 
    • after several years Athens practiced a direct democracy 
    • what Cleisthenes did was a huge step forward 
      • getting regular folks involved in governing 
      • the government still had limits 
  • What direct democracy looks like 
    • its where the state (or city-state) is ruled by its citizens) 
    • rule based on citizenship 
    • majority rule decides vote 
      • in the agora, citizens argued, made speeches, then voted with stones 
        • the white stones meant yes 
        • the black stones meant no
    • it was first practiced in Athens under the rule of Cleisthenes around 500 BCE. 


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