notes and types of governments

Today in Western Civ we began the class by taking notes on pages 127-133. The following information is the information that I took notes on and that I though was important.

  • a city state is a polis 
    • this is a fundamental political unit in Ancient Greece 
    • made from a city and its surrounding countryside 
    • many villages 
    • about 50-500 square miles of territory 
    • less than 10,000 residents 
  • acropolis
    • marketplace 
    • citizens gathered to discuss city government 
  • Greek political structures 
    • monarchy 
      • single person/ruler, a king 
    • aristocracy 
      • government ruled by a small group of very wealthy people 
    • oligarchy 
      • wealthy groups that were dissatisfied with aristocratic rule
      • seized power 
    • tyrants 
      • powerful individuals who were wealthy and seized control of government by appealing to common people for support 
  • Athens built a democracy 
  • Building democracy 
    • Draco, 621 BC 
      • developed that we all should be under equal law 
    • Solon, 594 BC 
      • no citizen should own another citizen 
      • organized social classes 
      • created the idea of punishment for not following laws 
    • Cleisthenes, 500 BC 
      • broke up nobility 
      • organized people from where they live, not their social class 
      • created the Council of 500 
        • this body proposed laws and counseled the assembly
  • Education in Athens
    • sons of wealthy families received education
    • the education began around the age of 7 
    • they studied reading, grammar, poetry, history, math and music 
    • received training in logic and public speaking 
    • participated in athletic activities
    • went to military school to prepare them for defending Athens 
    • girls did not go to school 
    • they were educated at home by their mother or other female family members 
    • they were taught housewife things 
  • Sparta's military state
    • located in Peloponnesus 
    • 725 BC they conquered Messenia 
    • helots
      • peasants forced to stay on the land and work 
    • 650 BC the Messenia's revolted 
  • Sparta's government 
    • they had several branches 
    • council elders 
      • 30 old citizens that proposed laws 
    • social order has several groups 
  • Sparta daily life 
    • from 600-371 BC they had the most powerful army 
    • paid high prices for their military 
    • they did not value the arts or literature 
The next set of notes is the notes that I took from Mr. Schick's powerpoint that he presented.
  • Polis 
    • fundamental political units made up of a city
  • Monarchy 
    • government ruled by a single person 
  • Aristocracy 
    • rule by a small group of noble, very rich, landowning families
  • Oligarchy 
    • wealthy groups dissatisfied with aristocratic rule who seized power
  • Tyrant 
    • powerful individual who seized control by appealing to the common people for support 
  • Transformation of Government 
    • during the 7&6 centuries BCE aristocrats ran the show for most of Greece
      • back then rich people wielded much more influence in society and held much more governmental power
  • Aristocracy 
    • members of the ruling class 
    • they attended symposium
      • meetings where elite men would enjoy wine and poetry, performances by dancers and acrobats and the company of hetaeras (courtesans) while discussing politics 


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