rulers and democracy

Today in class we went over the rulers and how it lead to some form of democracy. The following information is the notes that I took during class:

  • Hipplas 
    • was a tyrant who ruled from 527-510 BCE 
    • his brother was murdered and his rule became harsh 
    • he was expelled from Athens (ostracized) 
    • in revenge, he began working with the Persian king, Darius 1, helping them invade Marathon 
  • Isagoras and Cleisthenes 
    • both aristocrats 
    • engaged in a power struggle 
    • Isagoras had support from some aristocrats and Spartans 
    • Cleisthenes had support of majority of Athenians 
  • Isagoras wins 
    • becomes an archon eponymous (tyrant) 
    • ostracizes Cleisthenes 
    • Cleisthenes' supporters- and athenian citizens- revolt against Isagoras' tyranny
    • they trap Isagoras on the acropolis for two-days 
      • on the third day he fled and was banished 
  • Cleisthenes and Democracy 
    • member of the elite 
    • very rich 
    • insulated from the "hoi polloi" 
    • a crafty politician
    • saw the value of tapping into the talents, intelligence, and energies of the non-aristocracy (also known as the middle class citizens) 
    • however he still did not realize the value in women 


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