The Odyssey

Today in class Mr. Schick went over some old rules that he is deciding to reenforce. Then he said that we will listen to the Odyssey chapter 9. As the audio was playing Mr. Schick was writing down important information that we should write down as well. Here is the things that I have.

  • goats
  • feasting 
  • traveling by ship 
  • strange land 
  • giant monster man mountain 
  • wine---> very strong 
  • sharing gifts 
  • the wine needed to be diluted 
  • flocks of sheep 
  • sacrifice to gods 
  • huge boulder blocking the exit of the cave 
  • fire 
  • hospitality 
  • cyclops don't care 
    • ate 6 of Odysseus men 
  • Odysseus is crafty 
  • the club is as big as a ship's mast
  • Odysseus' name is "nobody" 
  • drills burning mast into the cyclops eye 
  • escapes by clinging to sheep's bellies 
  • they are talking trash 
  • a fatal flaw? pride? 
Those were all the notes that were on the board. Here is my summary of what I thought was going on. 
So, Odysseus and his men were sailing on the sea, coming back from their victory, and Poseidon was very mad about it. Consequently, Poseidon wrecked Odysseus' ship and got his men stuck in a cave with a huge boulder blocking the exit. The men not knowing what to do, a cyclops comes and starts to eat Odysseus' men. Being that Odysseus is crafty, he decides to give the cyclops the undiluted wine, which will make him very drunk. Odysseus does so, and then takes the cyclops club, and shaped it into a spear and shoves it into the cyclops eye. Odysseus and his men then escape by clinging to the stomachs of their sheep's. 


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