World Leaders Information continued

In class today we finished up with the rest of the world leaders and their background stories. First, we finished Syria. We learned that Bashar al-Assad does not like his own people and he has ordered a plethora of crackdowns and military sieges on protestors. What started this for him was that his brother was killed in a car crash, and Bashar's brother was supposed to take their father's reign not Bashar. Next we went more in depth with Canada and their Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. They have a federal parliamentary democracy, and constitutional monarchy. Justin as a high-schooler defended Canadian Federalism. Also, after his brother died during a ski trip he started a campaign to support safety in winter sports. He also defended Native American rights and he openly welcomed refugees from Syria to become Canadians. Next we discussed Israel. We learned that they have a parliamentary democracy, and their President is Rivlin, and their Prime Minister is Netanyahu. I learned that the Prime Ministers brother was killed during the Entebbe Operation, and after that he began to advocate international cooperation in terrorism. Finally we got to the United States. We have a constitutional federal republic and our President is Donald Trump. He is described as a businessman, billionaire the oldest person to become president and a politician. He got his wealth from his fathers real estate at the age of 25. Next we went to Kenya. They have a presidential republic, and their president is Uhuru Kenyatta. He was just recently elected for his second term with 54% of the popular vote, however his main competitor challenged him. The second election had many controversies, and it was also known as the "sham election." Next we went to South Korea. They have a presidential republic and their president is Moon Jae-in. Both of his parents were refugees from North Korea and he was a student activist, and the secretary to the previous president. He lost the 2012 election, and then won the 2017 election following the impeachment of Park Geun-hye. Lastly we went over North Korea. They are known as a single party state, also called a "Juche" or "National self-reliance." They are also called Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Kim-Jong-Un is known as the supreme leader or the respected comrade.


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