gods, goddesses and sparta

Todays class was much more proactive then yesterdays class. The information listed below are the things that we learned today. Here it is:

  • Zeus
    • ruler of heaven and earth
    • father of Athena 
    • god of the sky 
    • god of weather 
    • god of thunder 
    • god of lightning 
    • god of law 
    • god of order 
    • god of justice 
      • he had a temper and was known for 'hurling' thunderbolts and lightning strikes 
  • Athena 
    • goddess of wisdom 
    • goddess od skill 
    • goddess of warfare 
    • goddess of peace 
    • goddess of intelligence 
    • goddess of battle strategy 
    • goddess of handicrafts 
      • she was born from Zeus' head fully formed and armored
      • a special patron of heroes 
        • Odysseus 
      • she was the patron of Athens
        • the city was named after her 
  • Apollo 
    • god of music 
    • god of arts
    • god of knowledge 
    • god of healing 
      • Zeus was his father 
      • Artemis was his twin sister 
      • he is associated with the sun 
      • his sister is associated with the moon 
  • Poseidon 
    • god of the sea 
    • god of rivers 
    • god of floods 
    • god of earthquakes 
      • his brother was Zeus 
      • king of the seas and the waters 
  • Aphrodite 
    • goddess of love 
    • goddess of beauty 
    • goddess of desire 
    • goddess of sexuality 
      • her lovers consisted of: 
        • Ares
          • god of war 
        • Adonis 
          • demigod of desire 
        • Anchises 
          • a mortal who fathered a baby
  • Demeter 
    • goddess of grain 
    • goddess of harvest 
    • goddess of agriculture 
      • Zeus' sister 
Next, this information is on the Spartans and the Athenians. It is about what kind of life they lived, being that they were so vicious and 'into' wars. The information below is the information that I gathered from class. 
  • The Fighting Spartans 
    • Greeks were certainly warlike people 
      • especially the Spartans 
    • Spartans were known for their tough, ruthless infantry
      • soldier who fought on land 
    • Spartan boys were trained from the time they were seven 
    • real Spartans were much more fearsome than those oily gym rats in the movie 300 (IMHO) 
  • Athens naval power 
    • Athens had a great infantry 
    • nothing could compare with their navy 
    • their most effective weapon was the Trireme 
      • Trireme 
        • a technological marvel 
        • fastest ship on the world at the time 
        • rowed by up to 170 men on three different levels 
        • could be used as a battering ram 
        • it was very agile and fast 
      • Phalanx 
        • close rank, dense, group of warriors 
        • armed with long spears and interlocking shields 
        • soldiers would advance slowly towards enemy, until they broke through their ranks 


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