test day

Today in class we took a test on the recent information that we have been learning in class. I personally thought that the test was very easy, except there was a handful of questions that made me second guess myself. However, overall I think I did a good job on it. Then, once we finished taking the test we had to take notes from the book.. The following information is the notes that I took while I was reading.

  • Pericles Plan 
    • led Athens through its golden age 
    • he had popular support for 32 years 
    • skillful politician, an inspiring teacher, and a respected general 
    • 461-429 BC was known as the age of Pericles 
    • he had three goals: 
      • strengthen democracy 
        • increased the pay in public office 
        • had a lot of citizens engaging in self government 
        • direct democracy 
      • hold and strengthen the empire 
        • defeat the Persians 
        • took leadership 
        • used a lot of money for the navy ( a strong navy was very important for protection) 
        • traded overseas to get needed materials 
      • glorifying Athens 
        • used a lot of money to beautify Athens 
  • Artists and Architecture 
    • got the greatest artists to create magnificent sculptures to glorify Athens 
    • the noblest workers worked on the Parthenon 
  • Architecture and Sculptures 
    • master pieces of design and craftsmanship 
    • Phidias was a sculptor 
      • aimed to create strong and graceful figures 
      • tried to capture grace in his makings 
      • wanted to portray beauty 
  • Drama and History 
    • invented drama as an art 
    • theatrical productions were like praying 
    • colorful costumes, masks, and backgrounds 
    • plays were about leadership, justice and duties owed to the Gods 
    • included a chorus 
  • Tragedy and Comedy 
    • these were the two types of plays produced 
    • a tragedy was a serious drama about love, hate, and war 
      • consisted of a tragic hero with extraordinary abilities, but has a tragic flaw 
    • comedies were scenes with crude humor 
      • they made fun of politics
  • History 
    • no written records of the Dorian period


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