Today in class, our class voted to have the test when we get back from break. Then we learned some new information. Here is the notes that I took in class, and the ones that I added to my outline.

Hellenistic Culture:
            Hellenistic Culture in Alexandria
·      Hellenistic culture is a blend of Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian culture
·      Trade and Culturally Diversity:
o   Alexander became a foremost center of commerce and culture/civilization.
·      Alexandria’s Attractions:
o   Alexander’s coffin
o   Pharos lighthouse
o   Library that had 500,000 papyrus (paper) scrolls
Science and Technology
·      Astronomy:
o   Aristarchus à found out that the sun is at least 300 times bigger than the earth and other planets revolved around the sun
o   Ptolemy à disagrees with Aristarchus, and thinks that the earth is the center of the universe (this was then taught for 14 centuries)
o   Eratosthenes à estimated the real size of the earth, and said that it is round
o   Mathematics and Physics
§  Euclid à wrote books on Geometry (elements)
§  Archimedes à estimated the value of pi, and explained the law of the lever
·      Archimedes Screw: this was a device that raised water from the ground


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