notes on Rome

Today in class, two people still had to make up their tests. So, Mr. Schick told the rest of the class to begin taking notes on Ancient Rome. The following information is the notes that I took during class.

  • Origins of Rome 
    • the city of Rome was founded in 753 BC by Romulus and Remus, the twin sons of Mars and Latin 
    • Geography: 
      • was built on seven rolling hills on the Tiber River 
      • near the Italian peninsula 
      • was the midpoint of the Mediterranean Sea 
    • The first Romans: 
      • three groups of religion battled for control in 1000-500 BC 
        • Latins
          • built the original settlement
            • wooden huts on the top of one hill --> Palatine Hill 
        • Greeks 
          • between 750-600 BC the Greeks established colonies near Italy and Sicily 
          • these cities then became prosperous and very active 
            • they brought all of Italy in closer contact with Greek civilization
        • Etruscans 
          • they were native to north Italy 
          • they were strongly influenced by Roman development 
          • they were known for their writing and their architecture 
  • The Early Republic 
    • 600BC an Etruscan became king of Rome 
      • had hilltop villages that covered 500 square miles 
    • Forum 
      • heart of political life, most famous 


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