Specific Sites and Situations

In today's class, we were very unproductive in the beginning. We were all complaining about some crazy reason that I cannot recall right now. Then Faith got our class started on wanting to get water, and go to the bathroom. This discussion lasted for a long time. It involved me saying that I had to pee very badly and how I was going to pee my pants. Not actually though. Finally, after that discussion ended and halfway through Mr. Schick's lesson he finally let me go to the bathroom. I got up, and secretly took my Yeti with me, and went to the bathroom and refilled my water. When I came back into class I gave my water to Faith, to quench her thirst! After that happened, I could finally focus on what was happening. We began to talk about the recent hurricanes and how it affected specific areas and why. I learned that a hurricane gets all of its power from warm water, and when it hits a region of warm water, it just stays overtop gathering more and more energy and raining or flooding the area that it is over. To be specific, we were talking about Hurricane Harvey and how it destroyed Huston and most of Texas. We guessed why this happened, and then came to the conclusion that there was nowhere for the water to go. Texas, which is a very dry state is not used to a plethora of rainfall. With this the water didn't have anywhere to go because the drains where full and the flood wall broke. Also, Huston is one of the four biggest cities in the United States and its the fastest growing city. So, with this flood and all of these people it caused much more damage to happen, and a lot more people to get hurt. The overall lesson today was that when you live in a specific place you are used to your daily life, and with quick changes it could effect you and your home greatly. Especially if you are not prepared for it.


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