
Silence. Noun. The complete absence of sound. 
Silence. Verb. The cause to become silent; prohibit or prevent from speaking. 
Silence, it can be good. It can be bad. People look at it differently. It can be a time for reflection for some people and for others, it can be a time of mourning, or loneliness. In this specific situation, it is a time for having a little fun, but also wasting time. 
Today, February 9th, 2018, was the day that students finally took control. Today was the day that Mr. Schick decided to show up late to our class. And today was the day we decided how the class will go. The initial plan was to all leave, then it was to lock the door and not let him in. Then it went to us repeating the "let us rejoice and be glad in it," every time he talked. Then someone came to the great conclusion that we should all not speak. GREAT CLASS YAY! 


  1. Definitely one of the most unusual classes ever. After I told my wife about the day's events, she said I am lucky to have such an awesome group.

    She is not wrong.


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