Specific Sites and Situations
In today's class, we were very unproductive in the beginning. We were all complaining about some crazy reason that I cannot recall right now. Then Faith got our class started on wanting to get water, and go to the bathroom. This discussion lasted for a long time. It involved me saying that I had to pee very badly and how I was going to pee my pants. Not actually though. Finally, after that discussion ended and halfway through Mr. Schick's lesson he finally let me go to the bathroom. I got up, and secretly took my Yeti with me, and went to the bathroom and refilled my water. When I came back into class I gave my water to Faith, to quench her thirst! After that happened, I could finally focus on what was happening. We began to talk about the recent hurricanes and how it affected specific areas and why. I learned that a hurricane gets all of its power from warm water, and when it hits a region of warm water, it just stays overtop gathering more and more energy and raining or flood...